Keyaria WFullStackDeveloper

Specialized in FrontEnd Development, Web Design and UX / UI Design
Working for 4+ years to bring exciting and modern websites for companies. Lets work together to bring together the best solution.
My Process
With a solid track record in designing websites and apps, I deliver strong and user-friendly digital designs. Solid company branding is the foundation of any succesful website.
Having worked in a variety of tech stacks, I am able to not only pick the tech stack best for your company needs but am able to work in a variety of different tools and frameworks such as React, Angular, Headless CMS, Typescript, NodeJS, and more.
Experience with modern testing tools such as Cypress and Jest, I can use the latest tools to provide a fully tested website, preventing major issues from beiling live to customers and clients.
Featured Works
Selected Work

Genvid Entertainment
Front End Development
Selected Work

Clash App
Front End Development